GNCTR 2018
February 1, 2018
Another successful year for the books! Thank you to all our sponsors who were able to help us make it happen this year. We were awarded 3rd in Sustainability and our ex-metal captain/team member Andre Lawrence was awarded Best Tbogger of the week.
Our amazing team was able to meet other students and industry professionals across the country throughout the event, while presenting their sled to the judges and the general public and proudly showing their team spirit. This was a great learning experience and we are happy to have been able to partake in it surrounded by fantastic individuals.
We would like to also thank all everyone who was involved in the competition, such as the organizers, the sponsors, the judges, the competitors and the volunteers who’s hard work and support allow this competition to run smoothly again this year. We can’t wait to return next year! G – N – C – T -R! GNCTR! Woo!